I love Mexican food! You can eat it in so many different ways and never get tired of it. This Chicken and Sweet Potato Fajitas recipe will put a new twist on a traditional favorite. My husband is a fan because of all the cheese and sour cream you can use to garnish your dishes. But for this ...
Italian Tortellini Soup
This Italian Tortellini Soup is at the top of our list of fall favorites! The very first time I had this soup was for a birthday in college, quite possible my 21st but since I've had two kids, I've lost half of my memories due to an overwhelming condition called mom brain. While I may have ...
Dairy Free Zucchini Muffins
I never thought I'd convince my husband to go dairy-free and meat-free. These dairy free Zucchini Muffins have made the transition incredibly easier. Let me back up. I actually wasn't the one to convince my husband of going plant-based. Have I talked to him about it? Yes. Have I asked if ...
3 Phrases to Empower Your Boys
It took me way to long to realize how much I need to empower my boys. I love everything about my boys. But I've gotta say, playing with little boys all day long is hard. My Lego building skills only go so far and I can only build so many towers in a day, especially since little brother comes ...
Jalapeno Cilantro Hummus
I make jalapeno cilantro hummus all.the.time. It's an absolute, hands down favorite of mine and my husband's. We toast our favorite naan bread and dig in until the bowl is empty. Real healthy, I'm sure. It's beans right? Yes it's beans, so be careful, I don't need to remind you of the ...