I'm not a fan of Veggie Tales. I know a lot of work went into those pious peas and tomatoes. But the videos do nothing to inspire my three year-old daughter, Ellie, to connect to our faith. She’ll watch them if I put them on but never asks for seconds. Meanwhile, Disney continues to ...
Lessons from a Step Mom
When I became a mom I was privileged to know exactly what I was getting into. Well, I thought I knew exactly what I was getting into. Our kids were 6, 8 and 10 when we got married. I loved becoming a mom but there were things no one told me about being a step mom. You Will Love the ...
3 Phrases to Empower Your Boys
It took me way to long to realize how much I need to empower my boys. I love everything about my boys. But I've gotta say, playing with little boys all day long is hard. My Lego building skills only go so far and I can only build so many towers in a day, especially since little brother comes ...
Building a Great Marriage
I don't consider myself a marriage expert but I do have a great marriage. I know that isn't something you hear every day. You've heard the statistics, half of all marriages end in divorce. Through good times and bad, my husband and I were determined to build a great marriage. We weren't ...